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- Competitions Logos by Corrsfan85

* Club Logo patch (Full - 13.8 MB) by Bruno Röhl

* Super Pack v3 by S-Crew

** Club Logo patch (Medium - 9.5 MB) by Claska

*** Club Logo patch (Basic - 5.0 MB) by Bruno Röhl

Africa by Bruno Röhl

Albania by Bruno Röhl

Australia by Bruno Röhl

Bolivia by Bruno Röhl

Bosnia by Bruno Röhl

Brasile by Alan Navarro Couto

Brasile by Bruno Röhl

Bulgaria by Bruno Röhl

Cile by Bruno Röhl

Cina by Bruno Röhl

Cipro by Bruno Röhl

Colombia by Bruno Röhl

Corea del Sud by Bruno Röhl

Croazia by Bruno Röhl

Danimarca by bandido

Ecuador by Bruno Röhl

Eire by Bruno Röhl

Ex URSS by Bruno Röhl

Far Oer by Bruno Röhl

Finlandia by Bruno Röhl

Galles by Bruno Röhl

Germania (Divisioni Inferiori) by Claska

Giappone by Bruno Röhl

Hong Kong by Bruno Röhl

Inghilterra Conference by meteorain

Inghilterra Premiership + 1st Div by ter

Irlanda del Nord by Bruno Röhl

Islanda by Bruno Röhl

Israele by Bruno Röhl

Italia by duccio

Italia (con Sponsors) by Winter

Italia Serie D by Misterio & FedericoC

Liechtenstein by Bruno Röhl

Lussemburgo by Bruno Röhl

Malta by Bruno Röhl

Messico by Bruno Röhl

Norvegia by Bruno Röhl

Olanda by ter

Paraguay by Bruno Röhl

Polonia by Bruno Röhl

Qatar by Bruno Röhl

Romania by Bruno Röhl

Russia by Bruno Röhl

San Marino by Misterio

Scozia by Bruno Röhl

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